
Welcome home!

If you're like me, you've been traveling long and to far away places, your shoes are dirty, you've spent your last coin of foreign currency on a package of mentos at the airport and you're ready to come home.  But you'll do it all again in a heart beat because once you've traveled, you'll never be the same.

May your backpack always be packed and ready to go at a moment's notice and may your adventures keep you walking, hiking, canoeing, backpacking, subway-riding, hostel-staying, street-food-eating your way towards a more accepting, cultured, and loving future filled with old friends, new friends, and memories to last a life time.

This blog is where I will post my day-to-day activities, thoughts, and -- if we're lucky -- pictures from my adventures.  It's as much meant to be a personal journal as it is to be a method for people to keep track of where I am and what I'm doing.  For reasons that should be obvious, I can't include everything, but I'll do my best.

This blog is my way of sharing my experiences, with the hope that, in addition to being amusing, it instills in all who read it a fervid desire to explore everything this beautiful world has to offer.  Leave all your inhibitions here -- at home -- so you can get out there and try new things!

Need somewhere to start?  Get ideas by clicking on one of the tabs above to see where I've been and what I've done there.  A word of warning: I'm not a travel expert.  I'm just a young man that loves to travel and likes to write about it.

Whether you're reading this blog because you know me personally and want to find out what I've been up to; you followed one of my (many) links on social media websites; someone was crazy enough to recommended it to you; or simply because you stumbled upon it, I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I've enjoyed living it.  And when you're done reading it, get out of that chair or bed or couch, go somewhere new -- be it across the street or across an ocean -- and smile at everyone you meet.  -NLD

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