26 July 2014


If you don't have Vanilla Ice's "Ice Ice Baby" running through your head right now you're doing it wrong.

I studied a little bit today but spent much of it procrastinating so now I'm frantically trying to finish this post so I can move on to something else.  Last night (Friday) was the International Cultural Evening (ICE), held at Chateau Neuf (the student union building).  It was very entertaining and wonderful to see performers from 15 different countries or regions, in addition to 23 countries' cultural booths prior to the performance.  Some of my favourite acts included a Russian singing group, a Hindu mantra act, an American singer/piano player, an Azerbaijani dance duo, and a Brazilian singing group.  The rest of the acts were excellent, too.  After the show there was an after party downstairs but I didn't stay for long.  You know a party's going downhill when a Conga line forms.

Sorry if I didn''t do justice to what was described to us as the climax of the International Summer School but I think my excursion to Jotenheimen far surpasses ICE.  Maybe the person clapping obnoxiously during every single song ruined it a bit for me.  Despite my annoyance, it was a fantastic evening and I want to thank everyone who shared their talents and culture with us.  It reminds me that their are still beautiful and remarkable moments that can bring people from so many different countries and cultures together under one roof to form a community that no terrorist threat will ever be able to tear apart.

Other than the increased security around Chateau Neuf for the event, I have nothing new to report on the terrorist threat.  For most civilians it's just become a waiting game to see if the public announcement of the attack will, as the government hopes, deter the radicals from executing their plan.  All we can do is be extra vigilant and hope and trust.

That's all for now.  Sorry for the lack of pictures; none of the pictures I took during ICE turned out well so I'm only left with words.  I'll try to post again in the next few days but I might be really busy with studying for final exams so I can't make any promises.  I will, however, promise to post any updates on the terror threat if I learn anything of importance.  At this point, though, I think most people can learn what they want on their own from news articles online.  Still, I will continue to mention anything of note on this blog.  Stay tuned.  -NLD

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