This week has been relatively uneventful so I don't have much to say. That's the thing with me -- I usually don't say much. Despite my friends' best attempts to get me to talk more, I stick to my quiet nature and only speak when I think what I have to say is worth saying. Even though my native language -- English -- acts as the lingua franca at ISS where, collectively, I think we know something well over 100 different languages, I prefer to use one of the only languages that's almost universal; There's so much that can be communicated using only facial expressions and body language. If I need to say something more than what I can say with my eyes, face, or hands I prefer to use writing because it allows me to process what I'm saying. I can't just walk around with a notepad all day, though, so I speak when necessary but otherwise prefer to listen. But you're not here to read about me -- if you wanted to do that you'd be reading my
other blog -- so I'll end this digression and get right to this relatively uneventful week.
Perhaps the most prevailing thing on everybody's mind these past few days has been the heat. It's gotten up to around 30° C (86° F) every day so far this week. I didn't come to Norway to perpetually be swimming in a pool of my own sweat. Thankfully, I think it's suppose to cool off a bit over the weekend and rain most of next week. Which will make studying a bit easier because...
Coming in at a close second for being the most prevalent thing on everybody's mind -- final exams are next week. I can't believe it! It seems like we just started. Already we're up to World War II in my history class and we've begun to focus more on getting ready for the written exam in my Norwegian class. I'm not too worried but I'll have to put a lot of hard work in over the weekend to be ready by Wednesday (History and Norwegian Oral Exams) and Thursday (Norwegian Written Exam). Perhaps the rain will encourage me to stay inside and study.

Definitely the most exciting thing that has happened this week (so far) has been a failed tour of the National Gallery. There were posters on the bulletin board advertising a tour of the National Gallery on Monday. I knew the National Gallery is closed on Mondays but I figured they had arranged something special so I went along. It turned out that the tour guide mixed up the days and thought it was Sunday. So two hours wasted later, I was tired, sweaty, and annoyed. Just as exciting was the excursion to the (WWII) Norwegian Resistance Museum today (Thursday) for my history class. Honestly, I didn't find the museum that interesting; it was a lot of text mostly in Norwegian and my professor didn't get yelled at this time for touching what few artifacts they had. More interesting than the museum was Akershus Fortress, itself -- where the museum is located. It was so hot out, though, I didn't take the time to wander around.
Tomorrow I will be going to the Norwegian Folk Museum with my Norwegian class, which I hope will me more fun than my last two museum experiences. Also tomorrow is the International Cultural Evening which should be an excellent way to end the week before final exams. As everyone that works here likes to keep telling us, it is the climax of the International Summer School. I hope they're right.
Before I end this post there's one thing I should mention: Over the past couple hours I have received several emails and notifications concerning a possible terrorist attack threat in Norway. I'm not saying this to worry anyone -- I expect everyone here at ISS will be safe -- but I just want to make sure everyone reading this is up-to-date on the situation. Extra precautions will be taken, I'm sure, to ensure that Oslo doesn't see a repeat of the events from three years ago. I'll post any updates as I learn them. Stay tuned. -NLD
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